Wantimpres Bill: Prabowo Granted Freedom to Appoint Rotating Chairpersons

INDONESIAUPDATES.COM, News En – The Legislative Body of the Indonesian House of Representatives (DPR RI) held an extensive committee meeting to discuss the Presidential Advisory Council Bill (Wantimpres) with the government on Tuesday, September 10. In the latest discussion, revisions were made to the provisions regarding the appointment of the chairperson of the Indonesian Presidential Advisory Council.

Previously, the chairperson of Wantimpres was appointed for a single five-year term. However, in this new bill, the president will have the freedom to decide both who will chair the advisory council and the length of their term. The revised article states:

“The chairperson, as referred to in paragraph 1, is appointed by the president. The government proposes that the chairperson, as referred to in paragraph 1, can be held alternately among the members appointed by the president.”

During the discussions, Achmad Baidowi (commonly known as Awiek), Head of the DPR’s Legislative Body, sought clarification from the government on why the position of Wantimpres chairperson would need to rotate. He compared it to the rotation of chairpersons within the DPR’s internal Equipment Council (AKD), saying, “If previously the position was fixed for five years, there were pros and cons. In the Council’s Equipment (AKD), it can rotate; the chairperson of the DPR commission can change similarly.”

In response, Indonesia’s Minister of Law and Human Rights, Supratman Andi Agtas, explained that this flexibility is intended to accommodate the president in appointing his advisors more freely. He stated, “In principle, this falls within the framework of the presidential system and serves as a presidential prerogative in determining the composition of membership.” He further elaborated, “From the DPR draft, the determination of the chairperson was included, and there was a suggestion for a vice chairperson and others. The number of members would also be left to the president. So, it would be better if the chairperson is determined by the president, but it is also possible that the position could be rotated.”

Both the DPR’s Legislative Body and the government agreed on this revision to the wording of the bill. As a result, Prabowo Subianto, the president-elect of the Republic of Indonesia, will have greater flexibility in managing the working system of his advisory council.

It’s important to note, however, that this bill has only been agreed upon at the committee level for the formulation of the Wantimpres Bill. It has not yet been ratified at Level 1. Once it passes the Legislative Body, it will be presented at the next Plenary Session of the Indonesian House of Representatives for final approval and ratification into law.

Wantimpres Bill: FAQs

1. What is the Wantimpres Bill?
The Wantimpres Bill is legislation being discussed by the Indonesian House of Representatives (DPR) that governs the structure, appointment, and working system of the Presidential Advisory Council (Wantimpres), which serves as advisors to the President of Indonesia.

2. What changes are being proposed in the Wantimpres Bill?
One of the key changes is that the President will now have the flexibility to appoint the chairperson of the Wantimpres. The term of the chairperson can rotate among the members, as opposed to the previous rule of a single chairperson serving a fixed five-year term.

3. Who appoints the chairperson of Wantimpres?
Under the new bill, the chairperson of Wantimpres will be appointed by the President of Indonesia. The President will also have the option to rotate the position of chairperson among the members during their term.

4. Why is there a proposal to rotate the position of chairperson?
The government explained that the change is intended to give the President more flexibility in managing the advisory council. It allows the President to adjust the leadership based on the needs and dynamics of the council during their term in office.

5. Has the Wantimpres Bill been passed into law?
No, the Wantimpres Bill is still under discussion. It has been agreed upon at the committee level but has yet to be ratified by the full House of Representatives (DPR). Once the bill passes at Level 1, it will be submitted to the Plenary Session for final approval and ratification into law.

6. How will this impact Prabowo Subianto as the President-elect?
Once the bill is ratified, Prabowo Subianto, as the President-elect of Indonesia, will have the authority to appoint and rotate the chairperson of the Wantimpres, giving him greater control over the functioning of his advisory council.

7. What is the role of the Wantimpres?
The Wantimpres serves as a body of advisors to the President of Indonesia, offering counsel on various national issues. Members of the council are appointed by the President and are expected to provide strategic advice to support the President’s decision-making.

8. What are the next steps for the Wantimpres Bill?
The bill will move forward to the full session of the DPR for further discussion and ratification. If approved in the Plenary Session, it will officially become law.