Jessica Wongso: No More Revenge in Her Heart


INDONESIAUPDATES.COM, News En – After spending 8 years in the Class IIA Pondok Bambu Penitentiary in Jakarta, Jessica Kumala Wongso, convicted in the high-profile murder case of Wayan Mirna Salihin, has finally tasted freedom. In a press conference held on Sunday, August 18, 2024, Jessica expressed that she now feels at peace, having let go of the hatred and anger that once consumed her.

Reflecting on her early days in prison, Jessica shared that she was overwhelmed with sadness and pain. However, over time, she learned to forgive those she believed had wronged her.

“Now I feel relieved. I have forgiven everyone, and I hold no grudges at all,” Jessica stated. She mentioned that while she doesn’t have any specific plans for the future, she intends to reconnect with her loved ones before deciding on her next steps.

“I want my future to be filled with positive things,” she added.

During her time in prison, Jessica made the most of her situation by teaching English and yoga to fellow inmates. Her attorney, Otto Hasibuan, also revealed that his legal team plans to file a Judicial Review (PK) concerning the case, as they believe the court’s decision did not align with the facts presented.

Jessica’s release came after she received a 58-month remission for good behavior, despite initially being sentenced to 20 years in prison. Now free, she is ready to start a new chapter in her life, filled with hopes for a brighter future.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

1. Who is Jessica Kumala Wongso? Jessica Kumala Wongso is a woman who was convicted in the high-profile murder case of Wayan Mirna Salihin. She served 8 years in the Class IIA Pondok Bambu Penitentiary in Jakarta.

2. Why was Jessica Wongso imprisoned? Jessica was convicted of premeditated murder in connection with the death of Wayan Mirna Salihin, who died after consuming cyanide-laced coffee in 2016. Jessica was sentenced to 20 years in prison.

3. How long did Jessica Wongso serve in prison? Jessica served 8 years of her 20-year sentence. She was released after receiving a 58-month remission for good behavior.

4. How does Jessica feel after her release? Jessica has expressed that she now feels at peace, having let go of the hatred and anger that once consumed her. She mentioned that she has forgiven everyone and holds no grudges.

5. What did Jessica Wongso do while in prison? During her time in prison, Jessica made the most of her situation by teaching English and yoga to her fellow inmates.

6. Does Jessica Wongso have any plans for the future? Jessica has stated that she doesn’t have any specific plans for the future yet. She intends to reconnect with her loved ones first before deciding on her next steps. She hopes her future will be filled with positive things.

7. Is there any ongoing legal action related to Jessica’s case? Yes, Jessica’s attorney, Otto Hasibuan, has indicated that his legal team plans to file a Judicial Review (PK) concerning the case, as they believe the court’s decision did not align with the facts presented.

8. Why was Jessica released early from prison? Jessica was released early after receiving a 58-month remission for good behavior during her time in prison.

9. What was the public reaction to Jessica’s release? The public reaction has been mixed, with some expressing concern over her release, while others believe she has served her time and deserves a second chance.

10. Where can I find more information about Jessica Wongso’s case? More information about Jessica Wongso’s case can be found in news articles, legal documents, and various media reports that have covered the case extensively since it first came to light in 2016.



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