Minister Nusron Wahid Unveils Involvement of BPN Bekasi Officials in Sea Fencing Case in Tarumajaya, Bekasi

INDONESIAUPDATES.COM, News En – The sea fencing case in the Tarumajaya area, Bekasi, West Java, has taken a new turn with the revelation of the involvement of several officials from the National Land Agency (BPN) Bekasi, including a Head of Section (Kasi). The Minister of Agrarian and Spatial Planning, Nusron Wahid, disclosed the involvement of these officials, highlighting the lack of control at various levels within the agency.

“Among those involved are officials at that level, particularly the head of the section in charge of land confirmation. Why wasn’t this under control?” said Nusron Wahid during a press briefing at the Presidential Palace Complex in Jakarta on Tuesday (February 18, 2025).

When asked if other officials from the BPN Bekasi were implicated, Nusron confirmed that more details would be announced soon.

“I’ll announce it tomorrow. It won’t be a surprise,” he remarked, adding that the internal investigation into the involvement of BPN staff had been completed.

Internal Investigation Results

The internal investigation into the BPN Bekasi staff involved in the sea fencing case concluded that no officials at the Echelon 1 and 2 levels, including the Head of the Bekasi Land Office, were implicated in the issue.

“Indeed, they are not involved,” Nusron firmly stated.

He went on to explain that although officials at the top levels were not directly involved, they still had responsibilities concerning the oversight process, particularly regarding the Complete Systematic Land Registration (PTSL) program, which falls under the jurisdiction of the adjudication team.

Data Manipulation in Land Registration

The sea fencing project in Bekasi was marred by discrepancies between the land maps and actual field conditions. According to Nusron’s field review, it was found that the land certificates for the Hak Guna Bangunan (HGB) were issued over water, a clear mismatch with the physical reality on the ground. The project was tainted by significant data manipulation, including the relocation of land plots and the modification of Land Identification Numbers (NIB).

From the total of 581 hectares of land that were manipulated, approximately 90 hectares were found to belong to several private companies. The manipulation involved 89 land plots owned by 67 individuals under the PTSL program.

Sea Fencing Project Canceled

As a result of these findings, Minister Nusron Wahid confirmed that the sea fencing project in Bekasi had been canceled due to the widespread manipulation of land data. The sea fencing had been part of a larger project involving the falsification of land status from water to land with ownership rights.

The Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries (KKP) has also confirmed that the sea fencing in Bekasi is categorized as illegal reclamation.

Next Steps and Government Commitment

The government, through the Ministry of Agrarian Affairs and BPN, is committed to thoroughly addressing this issue. Minister Nusron has apologized for the confusion caused by the public outcry over the sea fencing project, which had sparked concerns among the community. He assured the public that appropriate measures would be taken to prevent similar incidents in the future.

The government has also promised to continue legal proceedings against the individuals involved in manipulating land data to ensure justice and restore rightful land ownership.

This case serves as a stark reminder of the importance of transparency and integrity in land registration processes. Manipulating land data not only causes harm to individual landowners but also undermines the public trust in land management systems. The ongoing investigation aims to ensure accountability and resolve any legal issues surrounding the land in question.

FAQ: Sea Fencing Case in Bekasi

1. What is the sea fencing case in Bekasi about?
The sea fencing case in Bekasi involves the manipulation of land data by officials at the National Land Agency (BPN) Bekasi. The manipulation led to the issuance of land certificates (HGB) over water, with the goal of altering the legal status of land, and was associated with the construction of a sea fence in the Tarumajaya area.

2. Who are the key figures involved in this case?
Minister of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning, Nusron Wahid, revealed the involvement of several officials from BPN Bekasi, including a Head of Section (Kasi). The investigation found that these officials were responsible for overseeing land registration processes, which included the falsification of land documents.

3. What role did the BPN Bekasi officials play in the case?
The officials were involved in the manipulation of land data, including the alteration of land plots and land identification numbers (NIB) for the issuance of land certificates, which were part of the PTSL (Complete Systematic Land Registration) program.

4. Was the Head of the Bekasi Land Office involved?
According to Minister Nusron Wahid, no officials at the Echelon 1 or 2 level, including the Head of the Bekasi Land Office, were directly involved in the case. The issue was found to lie with lower-level officials, such as the Head of Section responsible for land confirmation.

5. How many land plots were affected by the manipulation?
The manipulation involved 89 land plots belonging to 67 individuals. Of the 581 hectares of manipulated land, 90 hectares were found to belong to private companies.

6. Why was the sea fencing project canceled?
The sea fencing project in Bekasi was canceled because it was discovered to be based on falsified land data. Certificates for land were issued over water, and the project was part of an illegal reclamation effort.

7. What is the government’s response to this case?
The government, through the Ministry of Agrarian Affairs and BPN, is committed to addressing the issue by continuing legal proceedings against those involved in the manipulation. Minister Nusron has also apologized for the confusion caused by the issue and is working to ensure that such incidents do not happen again.

8. What is the status of the investigation?
The internal investigation by BPN has concluded, with a clear understanding of the involvement of specific officials. Further actions are expected as part of the ongoing legal process, and more details will be announced in due time.

9. How did the manipulation affect land ownership?
The manipulation of land data led to the issuance of incorrect land certificates, which altered the status of land that was originally water into land with ownership rights. This misrepresentation had the potential to undermine rightful landowners’ claims.

10. Will anyone be prosecuted for their involvement?
Yes, legal action is underway, and individuals involved in the manipulation of land data, including BPN officials, will face prosecution in accordance with the law. The government is ensuring that justice is served.