Marshanda Sheds 21 Kilograms for Her Role in the Series “Jangan Salahkan Aku Selingkuh”


INDONESIAUPDATES.COM, News En – Actress Marshanda recently revealed that she successfully lost 21 kilograms to prepare for her role in the series “Jangan Salahkan Aku Selingkuh”. This transformation took around one year, during which she followed a strict diet and maintained a regular exercise routine.

One of the key strategies Marshanda employed was changing her eating habits. She made a conscious effort to avoid tempting snacks at home, such as by clearing her refrigerator of treats like chocolate. This discipline played a major role in helping her achieve her weight loss goals.

At 35 years old, Marshanda now looks significantly different, showcasing her dedication to the upcoming series. Her physical transformation reflects the hard work she put into embodying her character, and audiences can expect to see a fresh new look when the series airs soon.

Pertanyaan Umum (FAQ): Marshanda’s Weight Loss Journey for “Jangan Salahkan Aku Selingkuh”

1. Why did Marshanda decide to lose weight?
Marshanda decided to lose weight in order to prepare for her role in the upcoming series “Jangan Salahkan Aku Selingkuh”. The transformation was part of her dedication to better embody her character in the series.

2. How much weight did Marshanda lose?
Marshanda successfully lost 21 kilograms during her weight loss journey.

3. How long did it take Marshanda to lose the weight?
The weight loss process took approximately one year.

4. What methods did Marshanda use to lose weight?
Marshanda followed a strict diet and engaged in regular exercise. She also changed her eating habits, such as removing tempting snacks like chocolate from her home to avoid overeating.

5. How old is Marshanda?
Marshanda is currently 35 years old.

6. When will the series “Jangan Salahkan Aku Selingkuh” air?
While the series is expected to air soon, an exact release date has yet to be confirmed.

7. What can fans expect from Marshanda’s appearance in the series?
Fans can expect a new and different look from Marshanda in the series, as her physical transformation is a testament to her dedication to the role.



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