Muhammadiyah Prepares to Receive Government Mining Permit: Aiming for Social Welfare and Environmental Responsibility

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INDONESIAUPDATES.COM, News En – Muhammadiyah, one of Indonesia’s largest Islamic organizations, has announced its readiness to manage a mining business permit offered by the government. This decision followed a national consolidation meeting held in Yogyakarta on Sunday, July 28, 2024, where various strategic issues were discussed.

Abdul Mu’ti, Secretary General of PP Muhammadiyah, confirmed the organization’s willingness to take on the mining management role in accordance with Government Regulation Number 25 of 2024. “The point is, we are ready to manage the mine if given the mandate in accordance with the regulation,” stated Abdul Mu’ti.

Currently, Muhammadiyah has not been informed about the specific location or size of the mine to be managed. For this endeavor, they plan to partner with experienced teams. “The team that will work on this will be a partner with Muhammadiyah. So Muhammadiyah will not work alone but will collaborate with institutions or companies that have expertise in mining management,” Abdul Mu’ti added.

Haedar Nashir, Chairman of the Muhammadiyah Central Leadership, emphasized that their primary consideration in accepting the government’s offer is to achieve social justice and welfare for the broader community through legally sanctioned mining activities. “We understand that mining and other businesses often come with environmental and social challenges that must be carefully studied. Our goal is to develop mining businesses that can enhance public welfare while minimizing environmental damage,” Haedar explained.

Haedar further stressed that if the management of the mine results in significant harm to the social and environmental landscape, Muhammadiyah will responsibly return the mining business permit.

(FAQ): Muhammadiyah’s Mining Business Permit

  1. What is Muhammadiyah?
    • Muhammadiyah is one of the largest Islamic organizations in Indonesia, known for its contributions to education, social services, and healthcare.
  2. What decision did Muhammadiyah make regarding the mining business permit?
    • Muhammadiyah has declared its readiness to manage a mining business permit offered by the government, in accordance with Government Regulation Number 25 of 2024.
  3. When and where was this decision made?
    • The decision was made during a national consolidation meeting held in Yogyakarta on Sunday, July 28, 2024.
  4. Who announced Muhammadiyah’s readiness to manage the mining business?
    • Abdul Mu’ti, Secretary General of PP Muhammadiyah, announced the organization’s readiness to manage the mining business.
  5. Does Muhammadiyah know the location and extent of the mine?
    • As of now, Muhammadiyah does not have information about the specific location or size of the mine they will manage.
  6. Will Muhammadiyah manage the mine alone?
    • No, Muhammadiyah will partner with experienced institutions or companies to manage the mine. They will not work alone.
  7. Why is Muhammadiyah considering managing a mining business?
    • Muhammadiyah aims to achieve social justice and welfare for the community through the mining business, while minimizing environmental damage.
  8. What are the environmental and social considerations?
    • Muhammadiyah acknowledges that mining businesses often come with environmental and social challenges. They will carefully study these issues to ensure that the business can benefit the community and cause minimal harm to the environment.
  9. What will Muhammadiyah do if the mining business causes more harm than good?
    • If the management of the mine results in significant harm to the social and environmental landscape, Muhammadiyah will responsibly return the mining business permit.
  10. Who is Haedar Nashir?
    • Haedar Nashir is the Chairman of the Muhammadiyah Central Leadership. He emphasized the organization’s commitment to social welfare and environmental responsibility in the context of the mining business.